Transcriptions Service

You Speak – We Type

Writers don’t have to chase down publishers any more! Professionals across all fields find publishing an e-book on their sites, a great way to boost credibility and a proud add on to their portfolio. But all good things on earth come with a small flipside. It can be a tad difficult for self publishing e-book authors to stay focused without […]

Categories: Audio, Author book, iphone

Macs are the best choice for video recording as the applications that Apple offers are simply exceptional! The one reason why mac users stay loyal to their brand is that it probably never gives them a chance to look further for better applications. With posting and sharing videos becoming all the rage, making videos using Mac has become a national […]

Categories: Audio, Audio Recording, iphone

Recording studios are an expensive proposition. But recording from the comfort of home can be tiresome and challenging unless you stay alone in an isolated neighborhood. Just when you are recording the most important lines the neighbor’s dog will have to bark and the phone has to ring off its hook. What can be more frustrating than all that shushing […]

Categories: Audio, Audio Recording

Audio mixing can be a tough nut to crack. The ingredients of what goes into a good audio mix are varied, and even more confusingly, change according to the person you are asking. We snooped around a bit and came up with some mixing tricks that work and are not all that complicated to master. And here goes the list […]

Categories: Audio, online

Podcasting can be fun but comes with a huge bucket list of things to do. It is a great high to know that someone, somewhere you haven’t and cannot possibly meet, is listening to your voice. Before getting drowned in the confusion of Hindenburg Journalist or GarageBand, make sure you are armed with what mattes most; a great script.   […]

Categories: Audio, online, Podcast, Video

There’s been a lot of talk about whether it is essential that every company worth its salt should have a blog of its own. Some feel that blogging is an unbelievably self indulgent exercise, and serves little purpose. But there is no denying the fact that blogs can be the doorway to communicate with clients and prospective ones, regularly. Especially, […]

Categories: Audio, online, Video, Writers

It can pretty disconcerting if you are an avid podcaster, to hear that podcasts are on their way out. With newer entertainment avenues opening up a certain section of people firmly believe that podcasts will soon join floppies and Myspace in techie heaven. And then there are those of us who feel that it is an exciting time to be […]

Categories: Audio, online, Podcast, Video

We are all in need of transcription services sometime or the other in our lives. It can be tiring to haggle about transcribing costs, and making dozens of calls trying to find a firm that fits neatly into your budget. But wouldn’t it be a welcome relief not to scream over the phone anymore. It doesn’t require a miracle. All […]

Categories: Audio, Interview, online, Video, Writers

Being able to create a clearly audible podcast isn’t rocket science. It could actually prove to be a little tougher! There are millions of podcast that have great content, but are sadly languishing in the dark realms of unheard of podcast, thanks to poor audio quality. You certainly don’t want your podcast joining the list. There is a way around […]

Categories: Audio, online, Podcast

Skype has made making calls a lot more inexpensive and uncomplicated. There was a time when making video calls was the exclusive domain of corporate honchos. Skype has demystified the art of making video calls. There are several apps that can help record your video calls in a snap. We list down a few that can make you record video […]

Categories: Audio, online, Skype, Video

Noisy classrooms are the bane of all lecturers. And the decibel levels somehow seem to increase, when you are trying to audio record your lectures. To break free from monotony, and to better engage students, most lecturers use PowerPoint slides while delivering lectures. You can use the built in audio recorder that comes with PowerPoint, to avoid snaky wires and […]

Categories: Audio, Lecture, Lectures, online, Video

The major stumbling block for young and aspiring filmmakers is to market their movies. With bigger players in the game, it can be tough, ruthless, and not to mention very expensive! So how do you swim against the tide and hold your own against the big sharks. Surprise, surprise, it is the social media that has come to the rescue […]

Categories: Audio, Movie, Subtitling, Video