Transcriptions Service

You Speak – We Type

We receive queries from production controllers of radio & television companies asking us if we document screenplays for film and television programs, and if we do, what are the format and style that we follow? The structure of the format consists of one page being utilized for a minute of screen time. The ‘shooting script’ will have every scene numbered which are included alongside the scene headers, with a technical direction allocated.

We also process ‘spec’ or ‘draft’ screenplays which are at various stages of development, the script does not have numbered scenes, and technical direction is minimal. The font that we use in the script is 12-point Courier.

There are two aspects of the format, first which is the interplay between typeface/font, line spacing and type area. This is derived from the standard of one page of text per one minute of screen time. The mandatory requirement for a screenplay in the US is of a letter size page and a Courier 12 point, where as in Europe the requirement is for an A4 size page, without any standard specification of the fonts. The screenplays layout is formatted by setting tabs of the scene elements, such as the dialogue, scenes headings, transitions, parenthetical etc.

These are the styles & formats of the screenplays, but it is also important to mention here that we are a transcription company and we only document audio recordings, we do not write screenplays, but only document them from narrations by the screenwriters.

Check out our Documenting screenplays writers narrations transcription and its rates

One Response so far.

  1. knisiorse says:

    Hello! Just want to say thank you for this interesting article! =) Peace, Joy.

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