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Dissertations Documented for Michael Holmes, a Student in the University of California, Los Angeles

Michael Holmes a student in the University of California, Los Angeles was pursuing a degree course in Health Sciences Research. As per the regulations of the University, the students are required to submit thesis or dissertations as a last step in a program that will award them a graduation degree. The student’s faculty committee oversees the intellectual content of the manuscript and it specifies certain aspects of the style such as footnote style and the placement. The references cited or listed also have to be as per set guidelines.

Michael chose the style preferences in consultation with the faculty chair from a Style manual that was available in the University library. The style format consisted of manuscript arrangement, organization of specific preliminary pages, spacing typeface, margins, page number order, page number placement. The permission to reproduce copyrighted material was a mandatory requirement.

We received the specs for the dissertation, which was provided to Michael by the University, since we are a ` some provisions of the specs are not relevant to us, because we send digital hard copies of the dissertations by email to the students, and the Material section in the specs is taken care of by them.

Along with the specifications chart, Michael sent us audio recordings of interviews related to Health Science Research for getting them documented. We also received library reference material that Michael required us to include in the dissertation.

It took us 48 hours to document the dissertation consisting of 71 pages. We sent them to Michel, who made soft copies and included the illustrations that were a part of his research. He completed ProQuest Agreement and the Dissertation Approval Forms, entering the degree title, degree major, chair along with the dissertation title for submission to the Theses and Dissertations Office of the University. 





The two manuscript copies submitted to the Theses and Dissertations Office may be either photocopies or printouts. The paper used for the copies must be at least 20-pound, 25% white cotton bond. This is not special or unusual paper; it is available at all campus bookstores. Higher cotton content (50% or more) and heavier weight papers (e.g., 24-pound, 25% white cotton bond) are also acceptable. Standard xerographic bond is not acceptable.

Bond for Oversize Pages:

Bond measuring 11 x 17 inches may be used in preparing oversize pages (see Oversize Material to Be Folded, page 9). 

Graph Paper:

Drawings, text, and gridlines must be kept within the UCLA required margins. The gridlines on blue grid tracing paper usually do not reproduce; green gridlines reproduce lightly, and red gridlines reproduce as

dark lines. Visible gridlines are acceptable. 



The manuscript must be typed or machine-printed, neat in appearance, and without error. Strikeovers, handwritten corrections, or interlineations are not accepted. Corrections may be made on the original manuscript only (not on the copy being submitted for filing). Any process may be used (fluid, tape, eraser) that will not reproduce. The manuscript can be printed on only one side of each page. Music composition on heavyweight paper is the only thesis or dissertation submission where both sides of a page may be used.


SIZE. The University does not require an absolute character and space count per inch of text because many manuscripts are now produced using laser printers with proportional spacing and letters. For the basic manuscript text, most fonts in 12-point or larger should be acceptable. Ten-point or smaller type cannot be used for the basic text. Fonts vary in size depending on the software used. The decision of the theses and dissertations advisor is final concerning acceptable fonts and type sizes. 

CAPTIONS AND FOOTNOTES Type sizes may be smaller for footnotes, captions, and for information in figures and tables. Ten-point is a good standard type size for print outside of the basic text.

FONT Only nonitalic type fonts may be used for the core manuscript text. A student who has any questions about a type font should bring in a sample of the type to the Theses and Dissertations Office for approval. The Times font in 12-point is a standard type and size that can be used as a rule of thumb.

ITALICS may be used for headings, labels, foreign words, book titles or occasional emphasis. The use of underlining and bold face in the text of headings and titles is at the discretion of the student’s committee.

Non-typed Material:

Signatures on the signature page (page ii of the preliminary pages of the manuscript) and other non-typed matter, such as line drawings, handwritten symbols, formulae, and diacritical marks should be in black ink for clear reproduction.


Unless otherwise noted the manuscript must be double-spaced throughout. Acceptable double spacing means no more than 3 type lines and 3 space lines per vertical inch of text, i.e., 6 lines per inch maximum. 

Footnotes, bibliographic entries, long quoted passages, figure and table captions, and items in lists and tables may be single-spaced. If individual footnote or bibliographic entries are single-spaced, there must be double-spacing between entries. 

There are special spacing requirements for some of the preliminary pages. The layout for these pages must be followed carefully as departures from the standard format are not acceptable.



NOTE: Copy machines may shift text on a page. Therefore the following are minimum margins. The student may set larger margins but must be sure that the final text lies well within these guidelines.

LEFT = 1.5” (this margin is wide for binding requirements)

TOP LINE OF TYPE = 1” from top of paper

RIGHT = 1”

BOTTOM LINE OF TYPE = 1.5” from bottom of paper

FOOTER MARGIN FOR PAGE NUMBER = .75” from bottom of paper

Aside from page numbers, all other manuscript material must fit within these margin requirements (including tables, figures, and graphs). When oversized pages are used, the same margin measurements are maintained.


Michael Holmes received a degree in Health Sciences Research from the University of California. Transcriptions Service has offered documentation support to many students that are in the process of presenting dissertations or thesis to the Universities as a part of their graduation or doctoral programs.

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