Transcriptions Service

You Speak – We Type

Never forget to mute your audience:

A typical business area or a workplace is prone to be noisy. Even clicking on keyboards or turning off the doors could be a distraction at the point of time. Therefore, while on a webinar try to avoid interruptions to your attendees to the maximum extent, in which the first step being to “mute your audience”

What this does?

• Reduces the background noises.
• Your attendees get less distracted during the presentation.
• Attendees actually hear what they wish to hear.

Ensure you pass on your message with very less deviations and distractions of all sorts

Give enough lead time:

What usually happens?

You intimate your people about the webinar with a week’s notice or less. Out yourself in the shoes of your people and think, is that enough time to get ready when you are in a busy work schedule? The answer is definitely a ‘NO’. Yes, people have their own work schedules and appointments. Do respect their time and allow them to adjust their calendars and spread out words about the webinar on social media outlets.

“This definitely increases your credibility as well as the attendee ratio to a notable extent”

Let me justify,

• If you don’t provide enough lead time, your live attendance rate records less than 20 to 30%.
• People need to depend on your archives to view the recordings later.

After all the purpose of your webinar fulfills with a high live attendance rate, then why miss out this- give them their time – atleast 15 days of lead time.

Never hesitate for a backup assistance:

The credit of a successful webinar always lies with the presenter, but hope there is nothing wrong in sharing your success with a proper equipped backup support.

Ask why…

  • Can you simultaneously resolve the technical issues of “n” number of people attending your webinar?
  • Can you withstand to the pressure of answering live questions from that “n” number of people all at a single time.
  • Do you dare to ignore any questions from the attendees during the webinar?
  • Do you think you could still focus on your topic simultaneously managing all the above especially in a live webinar?

Humanly speaking this is definitely a situation that’s like “Down the Nile without a paddle”

Quick justification why need a backup support:

  • Your backup assistant could focus on managing the above issues while you are busy at your topic
  • This saves time, focus, and ofcourse the real value of the webinar.
  • Above all ensure you use a non-speaking person to support you- else you are in soup.

Do what you say! Say only what you could do!

Once you publicise on a webinar topic, stick on to it. Do not change your topic at the last minute. It is a part of your responsiblility to value the time of people who had signed for that

“particular topic”.

Do not select a topic that interests you – rather go for what people are interested in – also never tune the clock to your time.

Use technology correctly:

And if that doesn’t happen, you are left up the Swanny!

You might be a great presenter, you could have spent more time preparing for the event, you would definitely want to offer a pleasant experience to your attendees, but all these could fritter away when you don’t go well with technology.

As it goes Get- Set- Go!

Sounds outlandish?

Yes, but it has its meaning!

Isn’t that throbbing to gaze at the presenter lurch through webinar technology- all your efforts gets awash at the moment- you create an impression that you are not serious on this and this casts doubt on everything you speak. The listener might think “How capable would he be if he doesn’t know to make the most of technology”

Take your message the right way.Pay more attention to all other aspects too apart from the topic.

Categories: Uncategorized

One Response so far.

  1. Sharon says:

    This looks like a transcription of my webinar? A bad one, certainly but still mine.

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